The Midnight Mass Detroit
Been hearing a lot how good this show was going to be. And was pretty bummed when I found out I had to work that weakened. Weaks before my buddy Adam had preregister he car and gave me an invite for the ride in his 64 Caddy. I said sorry man but i'll be on stand by for a rescue if needed.
Friday the 12 found out about an hour before it was time to leve work they said the magic words "no work this weekend". Ran home got on the show's website to see if I could still get in with my ride. See The Poor Boys got a killer spot for the show but could only do 200 rides. And was preregister only, then selling open spots after the it started @6pm. After talking to Brandon and Adam then getting there support on taking the 58 Brookwood I said "fuck it let's ride"
Saturday the day of the show, this is the plan
1) Leve Louisville, KY no later than 10am
2) Drive Adam's 64' & my 58' 6hrs to Detroit, Michigan (which neither one of us have taken our cars that far before)
3) enjoy the show for 6hrs (that's 6pm-12am, hints Midnight Mass)
4) Drive 6hrs home
All this with no problems and no sleep. So we hit the road with good weather for the hole ride. Cruising along hopeing nothing goes wrong with our rides I still didn't know if I was gonna be able to get in the show or not.
4:30pm we pull up to the show with no problems awsome. Adam rolls right in with style as I park and ask where do I get in line to wait for a spot. The Poor Boys being kool said "you don't need to do that just pay the fee and come on in" I could not get to my car and give them money fast enough.
Show time, being set up at a bowling alley it was a very cool set up even had a big coverd parking area. Venders, bands, beer, good food, bad ass rides all around, good friends what more could a car guy ask for.The sun whent down and the cool air came out very nice. There was plenty of light I don't know why more show don't do this. At one point I had whent to my car for some smokes and found a note "stay of judging"????
So we whent up stairs for the awards thinking I'd get best wagon. But would never thought I'd get Runner Up for Best Custom. I never thought I'd win anything at a show or care, but to go to a show that is you style and the other guys who get it, and then for them to pay respect is fucking amazing. After thanking every Poor Boy I could find we hit the road again.
The night ride was awsome no traffic cool air and no problems. Getting home about 7am I can't wait to do it again. Thanks to Adam and Brandon for helping me work on my car and for all the support. Thanks to the Poor Boy for putting on a great show. And a very special thanks to my wife Rachel without you this dream would have never came true.

Write up by: Chunk
Pics by: Brandon Jones & Chunk
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